Form to legally change name in florida

Step 1: Fill Out Your Petition

Step 1
FIll Out forms on this site, then​
File petition in court in your county to obtain a court ordered legal name change

Step 2: update social security name information

Step 2
​ Update social security card

Step 3: update driver

Step 3
update driver license

step 4: update passport name information

Step 4
​ Update passport

steph 5: update birth certificate name

Step 5
Update Birth certificate

name change florida

If you are ready to update your name or gender marker, we have the information to guide you every step of the way!

about our service


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" For years I have had clients explain how overwhelmed they felt about the name change paperwork. After working so diligently through therapy and hormone therapy, there was just exhaustion by more paperwork. I am delighted with this new social justice website, which helps people navigate the process of a name change. "

Dr. Jennifer Sager , Licensed Psychologist, Intensive Treatment Modalities