What Must Be Included in a Property Management Agreement?

What Must Be Included in a Property Management Agreement?

What Should a Property Management Agreement Include?

Expected Services Section

Property management companies usually offer a standard range of services, such as:

The property management contract highlights the business relationship between you and a property management company. The services section is arguably the most important because it outlines exactly what the property manager will do if you hire them.

If, for example, you hire a property management company but the services section does not include duties for finding and placing tenants, that responsibility will fall on your shoulders instead.

The services section, in combination with the owner obligations section (see more below), minimizes miscommunications. It ensures that both parties know the responsibilities and requirements of the business relationship.

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Authority to Spend Section

The authority to spend section gives the property management company the ability to spend money on your behalf to maintain the property.

A PMA may include a section stating that you permit them:

Imagine that you take a vacation and your property manager is left in charge of your rental apartment complex. While you are away, a tree falls on one of your rental units. The cost of the damage goes above what your repair reserve fund has in its account. The property management company foots the bill and repairs the unit.

The authority to spend section is important since it ensures that both you and the property management company know:

Collection & Disbursement of Income Section

This section covers how the property manager will collect rental income and how and when they will provide you with your due rent. Be sure to include:

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Owner Obligations Section

These are listed tasks or responsibilities that the property manager will not take care of unless contract modifications are made in the future.

For instance, a property management company may offer a variety of management services, like maintenance and tenant placement but the same management company may not explicitly say that it handles tenant evictions.

In that case, you need to read the owner obligations section to see if that shows up here instead. If so, you’ll be responsible for evicting problematic tenants, not the management company, if you sign the contract.

Potential owner obligations include:

The owner obligations section may also describe what you cannot do as the property owner including things like communicating with tenants or leaving personal property in a unit.

Fees Section

All of the fees the property management company charges you, as well as potential fees that may be charged if certain requirements are met, should be listed.

Be on the lookout for red flag fees or unnecessary fees that a reasonable company should not charge.

If your PMA lists a charge for tenant placement but you find the tenant, the fee should be waived.

If necessary, tally up all of the fees to make sure that they add up to the expected property management fee you’ll be on the hook to pay each month.

If you have a question about what a fee covers or whether it’s necessary, don’t hesitate to ask or consult with your attorney. Any property manager should be able to offer you clear reasoning behind each charge.

If a property management company doesn’t have a good explanation for a fee, it’s a red flag and potentially a sign that you should look elsewhere.

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Compensation for Special Services Section

This section covers ancillary charges or compensation policies for extra duties or services that may not be listed under the “Services” section in the contract.

Special services can include things like:

However, if there is no special services section or it’s vague, keep in mind that this also leaves you open to being charged extra for services that the property management company claims it needs to do. You need to be sure to ask some clarifying questions of the manager before hiring them.

Term/Duration of Agreement Section

Check for clear dates for the start and end of property management responsibilities in this section as it will describe the length of your business arrangement.

If the contract is a yearly one (like most property management contracts), it will include the date upon which the management company ceases its services or the date upon which the contract must be renewed for it to continue.

Keep the term or duration of your contract to a one-year arrangement until you and the property management company have worked together and know it’s a good fit. If you choose to renew your lease with the same company, you can consider extending the term.

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Cancellation/Termination Policy Section

In this section, the property manager will stipulate:

You should find a property management company that does not have any exorbitant termination fees. Do not sign a property management contract if:

Note that this section should also include the policies or behaviors that may cause a management company to cancel its contract with you. For instance, if you fail to provide or replenish the repair fund for multiple months in a row, this section may stipulate that the property management company can cancel its business arrangement with you at any time.

Ownership Interests/Affiliates Section

The property management company will describe any ownership interests they may have in third parties, such as marketers or contractors in this section.

A property management company uses a marketing firm or advertising company to display or sell properties they manage.

If the contract doesn’t have an ownership interests section at all, ask whether the management company has any known affiliates.

Why does this matter? Simply put, if you’ve done business with another company, like an advertising firm, in the past and had a bad experience, the last thing you want is to sign on with a property management company that uses the same business.

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Insurance Section

Depending on your state or metro area, regulations may require property management companies and property owners to maintain certain amounts of insurance. For instance, most property managers require property owners they work with to have several hundred thousand dollars in liability coverage.

The insurance section will display:

If this section is nonexistent, or if the property management company doesn’t appear to have insurance, ask them. You should not work with a property management company that doesn’t have insurance.

Property managers are sometimes legally required to have insurance. Working with a manager who doesn’t have legally mandated insurance could get you into legal trouble! Be sure you know the policy requirements in your area.

Fair Housing Act Section

Both the landlord and the property management company must follow state and federal fair housing laws. The Fair Housing Act prevents landlords and property managers from discriminating based on protected classes, like race or sex.

This basic section should simply state that both you and the property management company agree to abide by these standards. It’s an important legal protection to keep you safe if a tenant ever accuses you of discrimination or tries to sue you.

Contract Amendments Section

The processes and agreements between both the homeowner and property manager to change or amend the contract should be explained in this section. It’s states who can modify the contract under what conditions and when the changes go into effect.

Make sure that the contract can only be amended by you or the property manager. Any contract should be flexible and open to adjustment if the right circumstances arise, but only by the right people.

Ancillary Sections

Alongside the major sections described above, a thorough property management contract may include ancillary sections for things such as attorney fees and payments, mediation terms, and indemnification clauses.

Attorney Fees

The contract might state that if a property owner hires an attorney, it’s an operating expense. In this case, you would pay all of the attorney fees for the meeting and future contract inspections, not the property management company.

However, some management contracts may indicate that attorney fees can be split between the owner and the property manager, as the document concerns both parties, not just one.

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Tax Withholding

Depending on your state, some property managers are legally required to remit a certain amount of all taxable income to the local franchise tax board. This information should be listed in a tax withholding section of your property management contract.

In California, property managers have to remit 7% of their taxable income, and property managers have to remit 30% of gross rental income for any non-US resident tenants.

This section may not appear on your property management contract if it does not apply. Be sure to check your local laws to be sure. If it does appear, it will include:

Indemnification Clause(s)

An indemnification clause specifies that rental property owners must “hold harmless” their property managers for liabilities or damages, provided that those liabilities or damages arose from reasonable work/circumstances.

In simpler terms, the indemnification clause means that you can’t sue your property manager if they cause damages or liabilities unless they act irresponsibly.

Typically there are two exceptions to the indemnification clause:

An indemnification clause section is important both to protect you and a property management company, so make sure your contract has one before continuing.

Mediation Terms

Mediation is a legal process where two parties resolve the dispute with a neutral third party called a mediator. Mediation is frequently used as an alternative to litigation, which is costly and time-consuming.

Your property management contract may have a mediation terms section dictating things like:

It’s a good idea to sign a contract with a mediation clause to prevent potential litigation fees from catching up with you later.

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Marketing Methods/Strategies

A property management contract may have a small section detailing marketing methods or strategies the property manager will use to fill vacant units. This is a rare section in general and is only important if you care how your property manager fills those units.

The section could detail:

Expected Fees in Property Management Agreements

You should already expect to pay your property management company a fee every month, and those should be outlined in the agreement.

Some of the most common fees to look for in a property management contract include: